Mowgli is a solid black great dane puppy. He's now 36 inches tall at the shoulders and weighs about 165 pounds. He's grown up to be quite impressive! Mowgli is a happy-go-lucky type dog, always flopping around the house looking for someone to kiss. He loves to snuggle, act goofy and chew on bones. We love the floppy ears. You can follow Mowgli on Twitter at @the_dogs.

For help finding great dane puppies, check out this Great Dane Breeders directory.

Update: Mowgli passed away on August 25, 2010 at age 10. There are no words to describe how much he is missed.

Mowgli's Great Dane Puppy Pics

great dane puppy

Mowgli at 6 months with Samson

great daness playing

Mowgli at 20 months with Samson,
a merle great dane

great danes tugging

Mowgli and Delilah Tugging, 14 months

great dane teeth

Snuggling his basketball, 23 months

great dane and mastiff puppy

Mowgli at 7 1/2 years with Peabody,
a mastiff puppy

great dane and mastiff puppy eating off the counter

Teaching Peabody How to Eat Off the Counters
(Yes, all eight paws are on the floor!)

great dane and mastiff

Mowgli and Peabody playing the "my mouth is bigger" game.

black great dane puppy

Mowgli, 10 week old Great Dane Puppy

great dane puppy with a new toy

18 months and still just a big, lovable puppy

great dane puppy kisses

Kisses! Mowgli at 7 months

great dane and shepherd mix swimming

Mowgli at 7 years with Harley

great dane and boxer mix

Mowgli at 6 years with his new "cousin" Bailey, a wheaten terrier - boxer mix.

great dane and yorkie chihuahua

8 year old great dane, Mowgli, with his "cousin" Tequila, a yorkie-chihuahua mix 


About Great Danes

great dane birthday

Mowgli's 9th Birthday
Eating Cake with Scooby-Doo Sprinkles

great dane, mastiff, boxer mix and yorkie chihuahua

Mowgli at 8 years with Bailey, baby Peabody and Tequila 

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phoenix, arizona, usa great dane puppies, great dane breeders & mastiff information site copyright & terms: ©2012 all rights reserved. all photographs and content contained in this web site are the property of unless otherwise noted and may not be used or distributed without written permission. photos of dogs, mastiffs, great danes & puppies may not be used by anyone for any purpose. all the information found in this site is published for entertainment purposes only.

:: NEWS ::

Reptile Care Sheets Are Now Available: Caring for Bearded Dragons, Box Turtles, and African Spur Thigh Tortoises.


Breed: Great Dane

Born: April 19, 2000

Location: indoor dog, Arizona

Hobbies: romping, playing tug, sleeping, digging holes

Favorite Foods: carrots, yogurt, bread, salami

Goals: to be the best at doing whatever "mom" tells us to do, get rid of my valley fever

Likes: being sneaky, licking elbows, giving high-fives, hugs and kisses

Dislikes: fetching, swimming, strangers

Biggest Fear: being left home alone